Hi everyone, been out of touch with all the goings on around here, we have been trying to get things together, so we can get our own place out of town (finally!!).

I shared with you all that my mother (69) works for a large drycleaners in my hometown, where the employer knowingly hires illegal aliens.

She told me tonight that she found out two more people were leaving to go back to Mexico today. So she said she went to the front counter to say goodbye, and after they left, she asked the supervisor how they were getting home, since these people had admitted they swam over the canal along the California border to get here.

She was told they were flying home. So my mother asked "how can they pass through an international flight when they were here illegally? The supervisor then said "as far as I am concerned, everyone working here is legal" (in other words, she knew but if ever asked, just to play innocent)......My mother left that one as she felt her blood pressure rising with that statement.

She said they just keep leaving. Most have said they were going home because of the economy. Good news, but I told her the bad news is they have all had kids here, and expect that their kids can get them back in legally when the kids are 18 and just petition for it.

I would have to think that within that time frame, people need to be working on finding a way to force our government to acknowledge that the 14th Ammendment has been grossly abused and needs to work on not allowing anymore anchor babies through it, and if possible, even revoking the claims of prior illegal births.