Letters: The grand experiment
07/31/2009 06:17:58 PM MDT

The grand experiment
"America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009," that's what it's called. Affordable, what does that mean? To whom is it affordable? The plan is to add, by some counts, 45 million uninsured, of which 12 million are illegal aliens.

Rep. Dean Hiller, R-Nev., tried to amend the bill to stop taxpayers having to give free health care to illegals, but that was voted down along straight-party lines.

The Congressional Budget Office says the cost of this plan is $1.04 trillion. That is more than $9,000 for every household in the U.S. That's the low estimate; who knows where it will go. When has the government ever stuck to the original amount?

Testimony from CBO Director D. Elmendorf has said "legislation significantly expands the federal responsibility for health-care costs," which means it is going to cost taxpayers more.

Where is the money coming from? Your pocket, your paycheck, your stocks, your bonds, your IRA, your 401(k). I think you get the picture.

Even House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., indicated that Democrats should go "back to the drawing board." The Blue Dog Democrats are asking hard questions about this bill. They know.

What can you do? Tell your public servants (the officials elected to work for you) you are tired of not being heard. Tell them how you don't like it when they have a better health-care plan than you do. Tell them you are tired of them spending your money, that you know how to spend it better than they do.

Call your servants often, it will get their attention. Let them know if they do not serve you, you will vote them out. That will be heard, I guarantee.

