Morgan and Company At CNN Invent New Gun

Posted by: Brandon Walker Posted date: September 17, 2013 In: Gun Control, Uncategorized

In the wake of the D.C. tragedy: CNN, MSNBC, and even Fox were quick to say a civilian M-16 with a three round burst was used before details were even in. Even the Navy’s tweets said they had limited details on the type of weapon used at that moment. But that didn’t stop Piers Morgan and Company at CNN from trying to invent a new gun.

Yes ladies and gentleman, in the wake of the tragedy, Piers Morgan was quick to jump on the bandwagon of the anti-gun crowd as normal. He jumped on his soap box and declared that a AR-15 shotgun had been used. Not only did he sound idiotic for his lack of nomenclature knowledge, but instead of CNN correcting the usually senseless British-American as he likes to be called (Trust me, my friends in Britain don’t want him back), but they even went so far as to print this atrocity on the ticker!

First of all, to our friends in the Main Stream Media (Fox, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN) there is no such thing as a civilian style M-16 with a three round burst. There is a Military issued standard M-16A2. We did not know (and still don’t with any degree of certainty) if the killer(s) (because they told us three to four but stopped looking when Aaron Alexis was killed) had done this by killing a guard and taking his military fire arm. We do know that there is no standard issue AR-15 with a three round burst that can be bought or sold inside the United States to civilians since the 1991 gun ban on automatic weapons! So guys, you need to quit because you are making standard journalists look like what Feinstein referred to us as yesterday of “17 year old girls with laptops writing a blog” and not the professionals we are.

Second, Piers Morgan, didn’t you say if the gun ban failed the first time you would self deport back to Britain? Besides the fact they don’t want you, why are you still here? There is no such thing as a AR-15 shotgun. There is a shotgun and there is an AR-15. According to the latest from the FBI, neither of which have a three round burst. If you are going to continue to attack the Second Amendment, Journalists, and Ted Nugent would you please learn the nomenclature of weapons.

CNN we thank you for proving you are the state ran media corps that we always believed you were.