What a total wack job. Here we have absolute proof that liberalism is a mental disease:

Immigrant Haters Need to Give Their Hate a Second Thought
EGP News Service

Unlike the wish-washy Democrats presidential hopefuls, the Republican candidates have decided that the way to get to the White House is lined with anti-immigrant rhetoric.

Never mind that poll after poll finds Americans are more worried about Homeland Security and employment than immigration, they persist in making the issue a campaign rally cry.

Their stands on the subject are fueled by a virulent and vocal segment of the population and a segment of the media who love to hate immigrants as their latest hate targets.

The Republican candidates are afraid to be labeled soft on illegal immigration.

They also fear making any clear declaration on how they plan to handle the problem they are so vocally concerned with.

One Republican candidate, Mike Huckabee, says all 12 million illegal immigrants should be ordered to leave the U.S in less than four months. Does he have the slightest idea of what it would take to move 4 million people per month out of the U.S.?

Remember, the government couldn’t move people out of the way of Katrina, for that matter, we have trouble moving them along the 405 freeway.

Considering there are fanatical terrorists throughout the world trying to destroy our country and kill us, it occurs to us that it doesn’t really make much sense to create an anti U.S army out of the 12 million people we hope to send back next door.

Despite what many may think, we do need to secure our borders to stop the problem from growing. We believe that the vast majority of people who have come from all around the world love our country and want nothing more than to live here peacefully and productively.

So, we suggest that those who hate immigrants (primarily Latinos) and are fueling anti-Latino fever think twice about whether they would rather legalize economic immigrants or worry about our homeland security if we deport those same immigrants into the arms of opportunity seeking terrorists.

It’s something to think about.