Operation EMBARRASS YOUR CONGRESSMAN is spreading far and wide! Up for just over 72 hours, the word is getting out. I care very little if this website is a "success" - what I really care about is the "operation" succeeding. I'm not in this for the glory (hence the anonymity) and I make $0 at this (hence no ads). Like so many others this site is resonating with, I hope to see a change in the behavior and mindset of the current crop of Legislators. Hopefully, "shame" and "embarrassment will be a powerful motivator. Some are complaining about the questions - hey, come up with your own! I'm getting flooded with e-mail and clips to review (great!) so it will be around the time above before I do the next update (after reviewing clips and articles to post).

Cut and paste this site and it's mission everywhere you can! Spread the word! Do a GOOGLE Search on "Operation Embarrass Your Congressman" and see how many places it's appearing. Great stuff, thanks to you all! Email your local radio talk shows and newspapers - call and promote the mission - blog - Twitter - Facebook - newsgroups - forums -chat rooms - link to here - etc. etc. etc.

Again, let me emphasize that Operation EMBARRASS YOUR CONGRESSMAN is a peaceful operation. We don't condone violence in any way. Don't harrass, intimidate, or otherwise do any thing threatening towards anyone! (No sense in acting like a community organizer or a member of ACORN). Simply use your freedom of speech in public forums to accomplish our mission. The Mission is this: "To expose the arrogance, ignorance, and insolence of our elected representatives." We want to do this on a LARGE SCALE - NATIONWIDE! These arrogant, ignorant, and insolent people have embarrassed America, trampled the Constitution, and ignored their constituents for far too long. Attend their townhall meetings during recess and press them with intelligent questions (unlike the main stream media), asked in an intelligent manner to see if they are really in touch and on board with "the will of the people." Here's a starting place where you may find out where your congressman/woman may be in public forums:
