PLEASE ! Read this, It really makes me SICK !

Having spent three weeks in a hospital in
Naples, Florida with my wife I couldn’t help noticing what
was going on in the hospital and I had a lot of time to talk
to the doctors and nurses about what I had observed.
Below is a commentary from an ER Doctor. Do you think
this might be a big reason our health care system and our
social security system are so screwed up? Do you think
this might be a big reason our taxes keep going up?
Who do you think these people are going to vote for?

From a Florida ER doctor:
"I live and work in a state overrun with
illegals. They make more money having kids than we earn
working full-time. Today I had a 25-year old with 8 kids -
that’s right 8; all illegal anchor babies and she had the
nicest nails, cell phone, hand bag, clothing, etc. She makes
about $1,500 monthly for each; you do the math. I used to
say, “We are the dumbest nation on earth.â€