... 385x421486

*omg General Electric should take the 140 billion dollars my tax dollars paid them to fire these clowns... who are soooooooooooooo damn dumb that they can't even protect our Muslim King. This video clearly says Obama needs to get support from other muslims (like himself) and he's having a difficult time getting it (poor baby).... Face it, Obama is a Muslim sent to this country to destroy it... MSNBC just admitted he was, although they will probably all be fired from General Electric for being so dumb as to admit it. If you want to know who the real terrorist in this country is, all you have to do is look at Obama bin Laden, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Rangle and many others.

What more proof do we need? Even the government owned station MSNBC can't cover up the lies much longer.