MUST WATCH: South Carolina Rep. Shows What a REAL Politician Sounds Like

Bert Atkinson Jr.
On June 7, 2013

Video at the Page Link:

Here you can see South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy ripping the IRS apart for their overly lavish spending.

In case you haven’t heard, the IRS has been involved in what I like to call stupidity: A 2010 IRS conference that cost $4.1 million included a $17,000 keynote speaker that spoke about how he would “create a unique painting that reinforces his message of unlearning the rules,” another keynote speaker that cost $27,500 for two one-hour speeches, and the IRS also spent over $50,000 on videos including a Star Trek parody and a dance video.

Please SHARE this video to show what politicians should sound like!