Is that people would just support the candidates they TRULY believe in, and outright IGNORE the mainstream media as if it doesn't exist.

If we dont, they're going to select our candidates for us -- seriously. It's already happening.

It's time to use the IM (or internet media) to read, learn, listen, and select our candidates. We can read and discuss and choose for ourselves -- we don't need the spin doctors, the corporate elites, or the media conglomerates to do our choosing.

Really -- just pick your candidate and go for it. Turn off the TV. Just learn, network in real life, and VOTE. Don't let them tell us we can't have the candidates we want . . . .if we truly want them, we CAN have them!! Really, just pull the voting lever!

It's SO sad that Tancredo dropped out, and that everyone says so and so can't win . ..HELL YES they can win -- just vote for them!!

I refuse to choose from these globalist candidates. Just refuse. I cannot turn my back on my country and our Constitution and vote for any of them. Hell, I don't even BELIEVE the polls, the data, the facts that they are even presenting us. I think it's all made up hype. I think there is absolutely more support for the candidates that the people are choosing than we realize.

I'm at the point where I don't care if it's a splintered vote -- because it's just going to be splintered anyway, on BOTH sides.

Whomever gets the most votes, wins.