Laws are made not for the law abider but for those who would choose to break them ............

Prisons were not made to protect the guilty but to protect the innocent.......

Education is not for the educated but to teach the uneducated......

borders are there not only to seperate countries but to define them......

locks were not made to keep the key holder out just the thief
and to keep him ( the would be thief) honest.................

fence fens
5ME fens, aphetic for defens, DEFENSE6
1 [Obs.] a protection; defense
2 a barrier, as of wooden or metal posts, rails, wire mesh, etc., used as a boundary or means of protection or confinement
3 the art of self-defense with foil, saber, or epee; fencing
4 a) a person who deals in stolen goods b) a place where stolen goods are bought and sold
fenced, fenc$[ing
1 to enclose, restrict, or hamper with or as with a fence: with in, off, etc.
2 to keep (out) by or as by a fence
3 [Archaic] to ward off; protect; defend
4 to sell (stolen property) to a fence
1 to practice the art of fencing
2 to avoid giving a direct reply; be evasive (with); parry
3 to deal in stolen goods
>mend one's fences to engage in politicking; look after one's political interests
>on the fence uncommitted or undecided in a controversy

I see where the Application of the word FENCE can be appied to many an area of the US border with mexico.
But the definition i like the best is:

2 a barrier, as of wooden or metal posts, rails, wire mesh, etc., used as a boundary or means of protection or confinement.

Please build it too high and slippery to climb and Very deep and strong to prevent tunneling under