Honorable Senator Cornyn,
I watched Bush's speech last night with the greatest disappointment. Some say that putting the Guard on the border is a good 'first step.' However, it was a very long time in coming. Four and a half years after 9/11 a tiny step was taken to stop the invasion of our nation. With approximately 50 million illegals in this country Invasion is all it can be called.

We have been occupied by foreign nationals. The citizens have asked them to go back to their own countries. They instead march in our streets demanding 'rights' of citizens. Therefore we have been occupied.

Bush said nothing about enforcing the laws on the books. Nothing about the employers of illegals. Nothing about ending federal and state aid to illegals. Nothing about the overwhelming numbers of 'students' in our schools.

Rather he said that we could not secure our borders without a guest worker program. Utter nonsense. We are securing the borders of South Korea and Iraq.

Bush says we must find a path to citizenship for the illegals that have put down 'roots' here. Nonsense. The citizens of this great nation do not want to reward them for breaking the law...the longer they've been here the more laws they have broken.

I'm in contact with thousands of people on forums on the internet on a daily basis. I'm telling you...any senator or congressperson who votes for amnesty in any form will be looking for another job in the not distant future. Take care.

A Republican since 1964....but no longer.