Dear Governor Otter:

I am disappointed by your recent display of support for Senator Craig. Personally I don’t care what his sexual preferences are, however I am deeply disturbed by his actions when he was arrested in Minnesota. Flashing his Senate card at the arresting officer when he was asked for his driver’s license tells me he has used these tactics to manipulate situations like these in the past.

Even though Senator Craig has done good things for Idaho in the past, he has proven over the last few years that he is no longer a team player for this beautiful state. A good example is his stubborn persistence to vote for amnesty for the illegal aliens in this country, even though he knew he was going against the wishes of the majority of the Idaho people and the country. That tells me he is no longer listening to his constituents, but to the voices of special interest. Hence, the reason he is willing to face ridicule and insists on remaining in his Senate seat so he can vote against the people yet again on the impending AgJobs Bill that gives a pathway to citizenship for temporary foreign workers.

Senator Craig has given Idaho a black eye and needs to step down immediately, and I hope you will advise him to do just that.