About time we act on illegal immigration
May 08, 2010

Editor, the Record:

I tip my hat to the leaders of Arizona for finally doing something about illegal immigrants. I just can't believe all the people protesting. They must have too much free time. They should get jobs.

First of all, let's make one thing very clear: If you enter this country illegally, you have committed a crime, that makes you a criminal and you should be dealt with accordingly and not given amenities paid for by U.S. taxpayers.

Illegal immigration costs us taxpayers billions of dollars each year, from welfare to free medical care to housing illegal aliens in our jails and prisons. The border states all need to get tougher on protecting our borders. Also we should get tougher on employers that employ illegal criminal aliens and take away some of the incentives to come into this country illegally.

For anyone that disagrees with me, I have the following question: What would you do if you came home and people were in your house, eating your food, going through your medicine cabinet, sleeping in your bed, sitting on your couch and watching your television? You would hopefully do something, probably call the police. Enter my home illegally while I'm home and you will be leaving in a bag.

Bottom line: We need to get extremely serious with the illegal immigration problem. And, remember this, a nation without borders will cease to be a nation.

