As every day of the week goes, my 13 year old son started out in the afternoon to spend two hours at his 24 year old sisters work. She does not like being alone as her work is near a major public transportation transit center, and near a county building and a state office (both attractions for unsavory folks coming and going).

As well he helps out and the owner pays him a little cash for his efforts.

Late today, near closing, he noticed a ragged looking man in his early sixties, outside. This man slowly came in and asked my daughter if there was some work he could do for a meal.

Unsure of her bosses response to this kind of situation she said her boss was not there and could not offer anything without her approval. Before he left the area, my son told his sister that he had a few dollars, and she realized she had some late tips, pooled it together and purchased a whole meal and coffee for him.

As he sat there, my son spoke with him in length. He was a Marine in Vietnam. He had come first to California looking for work, anything he said, but could not get hired on. So he heard it was better up here, but had yet to be lucky enough. He had absolutely no posessions, no other clothes. He had no socks even.

My son pointed him in the direction, after his meal and coffee were gone, to the public library so he could sit and read and use the restroom to wash up, stay till they were at least closed.

My son came home so upset. He made the most profound statement I think could have come from a thirteen year old, he said "mom, this guy was not an alcoholic, he was not a drug addict, he just needed some help. People always help mothers with kids and kids who have been abused, and they really help the illegal aliens, but who is helping the men who are veterans?"

By this time he was in tears. He then said "they better not give the illegal aliens amnesty, over helping men like that".

If anyone new here questions why all of us here are so concerned with the issue of illegal immigration and why we are fighting against amnesty, this is one of the many reasons why.

Our government is so shamelessly fawning over the illegal aliens and their "needs" and their "civil rights", yet they have not only totally ignored our veterans in need, they have actually taken funding from programs to help them.

These are men who served this country, who were many times emotionally scarred, yet the illegals seem to have presedence in the minds our all too many of our politicians.

It is so clear, even a 13 year old kid could see it.