
In-District Visits with Members of Congress
During the President’s Day Recess (February 15–21, 2010)

Take the next step and speak out for your community!

These are trying times for our nation. As Congress goes into the President’s Day recess, we need to make sure that your senators and representatives do the right thing for our families, communities, values, economy, and country.

Make sure your voice is heard! Schedule an in-district meeting with your elected officials during the President’s Day recess (February 15–21) and join hundreds of grassroots leaders throughout the country urging for reform to the immigration system that will strengthen our economy.

Take the next step—you can make a difference!

To set up your own meeting during the President’s Day congressional recess, follow these easy steps:


Find out who represents you in Congress. Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to find out who your senators and representatives are. You can also go to www.house.gov and www.senate.gov to search for your elected officials by ZIP code.

o Conduct a background check. Refer to online biographical sketches or check campaign statements, news articles, or additional sources of information to learn the congressional member’s occupation, religion, political and social memberships, areas of interest, and positions on issues such as the economy, health care, the environment, and immigration. This information can help inform how you approach your meeting.

o Check in with NCLR. There are valuable resources in Washington, DC and elsewhere with background knowledge on the roles that representatives and senators have played in the past on important pieces of legislation. Please register your visit at www.nclr.org/InDistrictVisits so NCLR staff can provide you with materials and updated information leading up to the visit.

Schedule a meeting. Call and ask to speak to the member’s scheduler in your home state/district, or write a letter to request a meeting during the President’s Day recess (February 15–21). To find the member’s in-district contact information, call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
A sample letter to request a meeting can be found below. When you speak to the scheduler, explain that:

o You are a constituent from X (city or town in their district/state).
o You would like to set up an appointment to meet with your representative/senator (or his/her staff) and are interested in discussing immigration.
o You will be attending the meeting with X number of leaders and/or students from your state/district.

If the office does not respond to you, call or write again and be persistent! Remember, they are public servants.

Determine who should be in the meeting. Who best represents your organization or coalition and can also help build a relationship with this member of Congress? Are there close allies who could build trust or respect with this member of Congress if they came? Is there a family that is directly affected by the issue at hand? Be sure to assign roles to participants, including the lead/facilitator.

Prepare your materials. Please register your visit at www.nclr.org/InDistrictVisits to receive materials to give to your member of Congress. You may also want to include other materials, such as news clippings of relevant local events.


Introduce yourselves and exchange credentials. In five minutes or less, explain what groups are represented, their membership, and other information that the member or staffer should know about those who attend the meeting. Share your stories: What connects you to this issue? Why is it important for your family or community?

Get the contact information and card for any staffers you meet with.

Make your ask. Your ask should be a direct question such as, “Will you support immigration reform when it comes for a vote?â€