Hundreds of students fail to make it to graduation day

By: SHAYNA CHABNER - Staff Writer

In a community such as Escondido, where there is a large transient population ---- made up primarily of military and immigrant families ----

"They go out of the district, out of the state, out to Mexico,"
Comments On This Story

Skip wrote on Jun 10, 2007 8:10 PM: " I may not agree with every story printed in the NCT, but this is the first one to make me truly mad. As an 18 year active duty serviceman, I feel that the writer of this story is either ignorant, or has an agenda against the Military, and the wishes of United States citizens. The one part of a sentence "large transient population ---- made up primarily of military and immigrant families" shows the writers ignorance, or an agenda against the military. The writer is inferring that it is 50/50, that the drop-out problem is equal between the Military and Illegal Aliens. Well let me set you straight. I have been stationed in San Diego for most of all of 18 years. Although not everyone may be so lucky, the military is much more stable then in years past. The vast majorities of families, who have children in high school, are senior members and are able to plan their moves around their family. Many times when a service member gets transferred, the family will stay behind so that the children can finish their school. In all of my time in service, I have never heard of a problem with children of military families failing to graduate. Unlike the thousands of Illegal Alien families whose children simply drop out of school due to lack of motivation, military families are not like this. OF THE 700 STUDENTS WHO FAILED TO GRADUATE, HOW MANY WERE FROM MILITARY FAMILIES? MAYBE A DOZEN? WELL I CAN GUARANTEE YOU THAT THEY GRADUATED SOMEWHERE ELSE. I constantly fail to understand why Liberals continue to defend Illegal Alien lawbreakers and put down American citizens. There are so many excuses in this story to make you feel sorry for Illegal Aliens and immigrants, and nothing to back up our military members. "

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