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Members of Congress Exempt From TSA AIT Full Body Scanners

We’ve tried really hard to stay away from the increasingly popular TSA AIT full body scanners topic, and for a good reason. Personally, I don’t mind the use of them on myself, but I can see why many folks feel like it’s a violation of their privacy. To a certain extent it is.

What’s motivating me to publish this post is the fact that you ought to know why this topic isn’t resonating as much as we would like it to with Congressional members. So, why isn’t it a big issue with our Congressmen and Congresswomen? Could it be the fact that they’re, say, exempt from TSA screening? You betcha.

See, some members of Congress fly to and from Washington on military jets. The fact that they may not be checked for weapons here is understandable, given they’re not traveling with civilian passengers, but other members of Congress often travel commercially.

Case in point: newly-appointed Speaker of the House John Boehner. The man often travels domestically with other passengers, but gets to bypass TSA security and go directly to the gate. Sure, the man likely isn’t planning to cause harm, but still, should he not be expected to endure the checks the rest of us must?

Head of the Republican party Michael Steel confirmed that Congress members are, in fact, exempt from security screening.

Just wonderful.

[ via TechDirt ]