The once great state of California now entering its 208Th year as the 31st state finds itself in the aftermath of a secessionist movement. Its huge population of almost 70 million people is now 90% hispanic. A large majority of its population voted for California to succeed from the union during the November 2052 elections. California is now an independent nation called Aztlan.

California, now unrecognizable, finds itself bankrupt. Many of its lakes and rivers are completely contaminated with dangerous levels of bacteria and trash. Even the once beautiful Lake Tahoe is covered with algae and roting dead fish, its color now a dark brown. All around Lake Tahoe are dozens of poverty stricken shanty towns that have sprung up with its inhabitants speaking only Spanish. Over the last 30 years hundreds of tons of human waste and trash was dumped into the lake.

Most of California's infrastructure had deterorated and fallen apart due to the lack of funding and government corruption. The once ascetically master piece, the Golden Gate Bridge has decayed and rusted away due to neglect and government corruption. It collapsed into the San Francisco Bay 11 years ago on December 7, 2047.

15 years earlyer, the state government instituted a Spanish only law requiring all government transactions, all newspapers, radio stations, and television stations to be Spanish language only.

The phenomenon known as " American Flight" had taken place back in 2042 through 2045. The last of the English speaking Americans left the state hoping to find sanctuary in some of the small inclaves of Americans still left in the other states. Those few Americans still living in California after the "American Flight" had their property confiscated by the government of Aztlan. Government officials had claimed that private property owned by non hispanics to be stolen land. Some people still flew the stars and strips under threat of death. Several of these remaining brave American patriots that flew the American flag were dragged out of their houses and beaten to death by angry mobs.

Most of California's large cities resemble Calcutta or Mexico City. Millions of its citizens live in abject poverty. Most of the diseases inflicting the third world have gone through California. Tuberculosis ravages most of the big and small cities.

All of the neighboring states on California's borders were forced to put the national guard on their borders to try and stop the invasion of the non English speaking Aztlanders.

California (Aztlan) has now sunk into the status of a third world nation. Many of California's elderly, those that are 80 to 90 years of age remember the state and how it was 70 years before. All they can do is cry on what was lost.