New Field poll just came out in conjunction with UC Berkeley, about life in California. Or more to the point, the DECLINE of life in California.

40% said immigrants are making life in California worse.
50% said immigrants weren't having any effect.
And only 10% said that immigrants were making life in California better (and my hunch is that was the immigrants voting for themselves -- something like 30% of Californians are foreign born after all).

In fact, Mass Immigration is RUINING life in California. At least its heartening that 40% of Californians don't have their heads up their you-know-whats. The 50% that see no effect? What world are these morons living in? We've absorbed 10% of the entire population of Mexico over the last 30 years -- this backwards, poverty-ridden, socially-chaotic, over-breeding people. And yet 50% of Californians can't see any effect they're having on the once Golden State? Unbelievable.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised.