Suffolk County (LI, NY) Executive Steve Levy has been instrumental in bringing to law what many feel was long overdue: Contractors can no longer line their pockets at tax-payer expense by hiring illegals to work Suffolk County contracts. As of today, LI taxpayers get a little relief from their burden of subsidizing greedy contractors and the $100/day "workers" they hire.

The new Suffolk County law has so-called immigration advocates contriving to make laughable claims about the implications of this law-that it's hateful, racist, will increase discrimination. There is no discrimination here, and that's why thousands and thousands are coming from Latin America every few months. Claims are being made in somber tones that the KKK and white supremacists are influencing Long Island! A self-proclaimed "human-rights" activist named Pastor Allan Ramirez has put on a screaming fit, going so far as to say "Steve Levy will have blood on his hands" for requiring tax-payer funded contracts go to people who have the legal right to work. Mr. Ramirez lives a life far richer than most of us with his Mont Blanc pens and his frequent ski trips. He claims he deserves his wealth because, poor guy, he was born in Ecuador. But, he's blind to the fact that the working poor of the United States are being economically destroyed by his countrymen invading our country, and that wealth is being sent OUT of our country, not being brought in.

I hope this law is a precursor of more sensible legislation. At present, Long Island tax-payers are burdened heavily by these people coming to take advantage of social services. That must come to an end before this country becomes truly unrecognizable as "home".