A new reason to address immigration

Below, you will find one of the most ignorant and biased editorials I've ever seen from a so-called major mainstream newspaper. Not to mention how lazy the editorial department is at the Lafayette, Indiana Journal & Courier for not vetting the obvious lies of the SPLC before printing them essentially verbatim.

Some openly advocate for forcibly sterilizing Mexican women.

Others call for mines to protect the U.S.-Mexican border.

Whatever their degree of depravity, one thing is certain -- the number of hate groups in the United States is on the rise. In a report issued this week, the Southern Poverty Law Center estimated that the number has grown by 48 percent since 2000.

According to the law center's most recent data, the number of hate groups rose to 888 last year, up 5 percent from the 844 groups in 2006 and far above the 602 groups documented in 2000.

The reason cited for the increase: anti-immigrant fervor. The greatest growth in hate groups, according to the advocacy group, was in Arizona (70 percent), California (27 percent) and Texas (22 percent).

Indiana is not immune from the hate.

The group identified 18 hate groups in the Hoosier State. Among those were four in South Bend and a couple each in both Muncie and Bloomington. There were none listed in Greater Lafayette, Tippecanoe County or nearby counties.

Of those listed, there were six Ku Klux Klan groups and several other white supremacist groups. There also was one black separatist group, based in Indianapolis.

Make no mistake, the increase in the number of hate groups is clearly linked to the illegal immigration controversy.

There are those who spew venom about Hispanics coming here only to commit crimes and use our taxpayer-funded social services.

While it's not clear how many illegal immigrants are in the United States -- 12 million, 18 million, 40 million? -- it's clear that the issue is creating deep resentment, anger and hatred.

If Congress hasn't sufficiently been advised to act to fix this problem, this new report should reiterate the call to action: Address the roots of the immigration problem now.
http://www.jconline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/a ... /803120305