The popular website Snopes, recently featured an article complete with powerful photos, detailing the Mexican Invasion of our borders. The photos make it painfully obvious that we as Americans have been conscientiously abandoned by our own government, which should be protecting us and our borders. It’s also painfully obvious that real border enforcement is a joke and foreign nationals have nothing but utter disdain for us, our natural environment, our nation and our laws.

Big thanks to Snopes for featuring this issue. They get a lot of traffic.

It’s unfortunate, however, that the good people of the United States have been saddled with a government that is more beholden to special corporate interests than the well being of its own citizenry. It’s over America, we’ve been duped, enjoy the slow slide into third-world standards. We’ll need those low cost Wal-Marts when all of our decent paying jobs have been usurped by a glut of low paid labor or have been off shored.

At least now it will be cheaper to buy those plastic, made-in-China, American flags next Fourth of July that you give your kids to wave, thanks to all the Mexican trucks that will now be delivering goods within our own country.

Yeaaahhhhh! USA! USA! USA!