A guy on the Greta V.S. show tonight reported on the N.J. executions said that Rodolfo Godinez was thought to be headed South. Law enforcement has expanded their search outside Virginia to other southern states.

Here's part of an article that backs this up.

http://www.delmarvanow.com/apps/pbcs.dl ... 1/70815089

Despite rumors, authorities downplay gang link in slaying of Del. State students

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — The search for the two remaining suspects in the cold-blooded murders of three college students extended down the Eastern seaboard Wednesday, as local authorities continued to downplay any organized gang involvement despite anecdotal evidence that suggests a gang connection.

Federal marshals joined the search for suspects shortly after the killings, said U.S. Marshal James T. Plousis, who is responsible for New Jersey.

“We have an expertise in tracking fugitives, and we try to help our state and local partners when we can,â€