DREAM Act vote on Saturday! What else can you do?
The Senate will vote on the House-passed version of the DREAM Act on Saturday morning. Sixty votes are required for passage, and if passed, the bill will head to Pres. Obama's desk for final approval.

The DREAM Act is a mass amnesty bill that would allow up to 2.1 million illegal aliens to apply for the amnesty. Once amnesties, illegal aliens would receive immediate work authorization and would compete with 22 million unemployed Americans for jobs.

Once an illegal alien applies, they have 10 years to meet the educational or military requirements. In those 10 years, they are safe from deportation and have almost all the privileges granted to legal permanent residents.

To qualify for full permanent residency, they only have to complete the equivalent of two years of college work. They don't need to obtain a degree.
: December 17, 2010 -

What else can you do?


There are already some great DREAM Act conversations taking place on the Facebook fan page for many of our target Senators. You can join in these discussions, or start a new conversation that urges the Senator to vote NO on the DREAM Act.

HereÂ’s howÂ…

1) Visit the Facebook pages from the list below.

2) Click the “Like” button on the top of the page (usually next to the Senator’s name)

3) Post a message voicing your opposition to the DREAM Act on the wall

George LeMieux

http://www.facebook.com/pages/George-Le ... 660?v=wall

Susan Collins


Olympia Snowe


Jon Tester


Kay Hagan


Kent Conrad


Kay Bailey Hutchison


Debbie Stabenow


Claire McCaskill


Jim Webb


Lisa Murkowski


Mary Landrieu


Byron Dorgan



You can direct a short message to your Senator through their Twitter account.

HereÂ’s howÂ…

1) Login to your Twitter account.

2) Send a Tweet urging the Senator to oppose the DREAM Act. For example, “@SenatorCollins Protect America’s unemployed by voting NO on the DREAM Act”

3) Make sure you add the SenatorÂ’s Twitter name into your message so it shows up on their feed.

George LeMieux -- @George_LeMieux

Sam Brownback -- @SenSamBrownback

Susan Collins -- @SenatorCollins

Olympia Snowe -- @SenOlympiaSnowe

Jon Tester -- @jontester

Kay Hagan -- @SenatorHagan

Kay Bailey Hutchison -- @kaybaileyhutch

Debbie Stabenow -- @stabenow

Claire McCaskill -- @clairecmc

Lisa Murkowski -- @lisamurkowski