Mexico Tries to Deal With Its Own Illegal Immigration Problem

By Elizabeth Llorente
Published February 23, 2011

The Mexican Senate has approved a new immigration measure that seeks protections of unauthorized migrants within its borders, as well as more services for them.

The bill also cracks down on undocumented immigrants in Mexico, allowing federal police to check immigration documents of people they encounter during their work, and imposing fines on employers who hire people who are illegally there.

The immigration reform measure, passed 84-to-15 by the Mexican senate, comes amid mounting international pressure for Mexico to address what many Central Americans who illegally pass through there – usually en route to the United States -- long have complained is abusive treatment by Mexican authorities.

The immigration bill also aims to control the entry, exit and transit of migrants, according to an article in

“Mexico has had just as much trouble keeping people out of Mexico who trying to make their way to the United States as the United States has had keeping illegal immigrants out,â€