I just emailed the letter below to my senators, but it tells you what is going on, check out the article.

Senator ________,

Please STOP this merger of 3COM which will grant a Chinese firm with links to the Chinese military access to very sensitive US information.

Article LINK: http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/...110030088/1001

Washington Times: Merger Opens U.S. Defense to China

To me this amounts to selling out the safety of this country to monetarily benefit a few.

This cannot be allowed! This is worse in my opinion than the Dubai ports deal.

Please read this article, expecially the second page which states that the deal will be difficult to defeat because 3COM is being advised by Goldman Sachs and Paulson (Treasury Secretary) and Bolton (White house Chief of Staff) are former Goldman Execs.

Please dont let this happen!
