With ALIPAC and other groups leading the way ,there are some signs of progess. My employer for one, terminated an illegal(one they let change I.d.)aprox. 7 months back) due to my efforts of education of law of aid & abetting also R.I.C.O.. The final straw was a notice of Soc Sec. of poor lady in mid-west who could not get gov. loan because of high income in state of N.C. My employer also uses Basic pilot new employee checks . Good news in Law enforcment with 3 counties using 270-g immigration checks with Homeland Sec. with removal. Immigration Court coming to Charlotte and many other counties going to implement immigration checks for arrested indviduals. Bill Graham has announced plans of running for Gov. who shares a strong belief toward NO AMNESTY , BENIFITS for Illiegals and conservitive views . Things could be better (stop Z-VISAS SHAMISTY) DURHAM N.C. Sanctuary policy etc.. but at least some are aware :P :P :P What's your state status