HUGE VICTORIES in the States this week! {From our friends at Numbers U.S.A }
Congress may be out of session, but what a few weeks it's been at the state level!!!

In Indiana, the House and Senate completed work on an E-Verify bill late on Friday night. The bill requires state agencies and contractors to use E-Verify and also requires private businesses to use E-Verify if they want to deduct employee expenses from their state income taxes.

In Alabama, both chambers have passed mandatory E-Verify legislation and were expected to work on a compromise bill before the devastating tornadoes caused the legislative session to be temporarily suspended. We'll continue to monitor the situation when state legislators feel the time is right to get back to work.

In Montana, Gov. Schweitzer signed a bill toughening the state's requirements for obtaining a driver's license or state issued ID. Applicants will now have to show proof of citizenship, and driver's licenses from other states are excluded as a form of proof. The new law also requires anyone applying for state services to be verified through the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements program.

In Colorado, a House Committee defeated a proposal that would extend in-state tuition benefits to illegal aliens who attended high school for at least three years and hold a diploma or GED. The bill was defeated for the fifth consecutive year.

And in Florida, our activists SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNOR'S FAX MACHINE! I think Gov. Scott heard loud and clear that the legal residents of the Sunshine State want a mandatory E-Verify law to ensure new jobs go to legal workers. The State Senate will get back to work early next week on an E-Verify and enforcement bill, so be on the look out for action alerts this weekend if you live in Florida.

Thanks to every single one of you that played some role in this week's victories! You sent 43,171 faxes this week, which may not sound like a lot, but the faxes were only directed at a few leaders in select states, so it's really a huge accomplishment.

Join the discussion now that's taking place on our website. Let's keep the momentum going and bring it to the U.S. Congress when House and Senate Members return next week!

Chris Chmielenski
Director, Content & Activism

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