****Amnesty pushes from every direction & in White House Wednesday -- your faxes needed


Your Action Buffet Team has some exciting faxes for you to send.

The news media are buzzing about the first meeting between the congressional Hispanic Caucus and Pres. Obama on Wednesday.

Let's make sure that both the President and those politicians hear a loud point of view from you.

Hispanic leaders have told the media what they will demand, and it is all centered around amnesty and making sure that millions of illegal aliens keep their jobs instead of opening them up to jobless Americans.

Task No. 1: Send the fax we have posted to Pres. Obama, standing up for all unemployed Americans. And many of you will also see a fax to send to Members of the Hispanic Caucus in which you can call on them to help open up jobs for disproportionately unemployed Hispanic Americans by supporting immigration enforcement.

Task No. 2: Help us counter the efforts of the Hispanic Caucus to use religion to pressure for an amnesty.

Rep. Gutierrez of Illinois has been on a long tour of U.S. cities, holding big rallies in churches and gathering growing religious support for an amnesty on the claim that keeping illegal aliens in this country is the only moral course the nation can take.

Over the next few days, we will be giving most of you who are affiliated with religious institutions a chance to make a moral argument to the President and to your own Members of Congress from within your faith tradition.

To have that opportunity, you must take this survey of your religious connections.

If you have already taken the survey, please click and just be sure that the survey is correct in your preference.

For the rest of you, this is not only a chance to participate in some important grassroots lobbying right now but also for us to reach you quickly when/if leaders of your own religious group lobby for higher immigration and amnesty. Unfortunately in almost every faith tradition, the leaders favor amnesty while the majority of members don't. The religious leaders' voices are hurting our cause and hurting the cause for justice. We need those of you who are members to give a differing moral view of things.

Task No. 3: Fight House Speaker Pelosi's outrageous comments that enforcing immigration laws is "un-American."

We should have faxes for everybody to send protesting Pelosi's seeming call for anarchy on the issue of immigration.

Rep. Pelosi of California has been recorded on videotape emotionally telling Rep. Gutierrez on his amnesty tour that workplace enforcement that results in arrests of illegal aliens who are parents of children -- and deportations of illegal aliens -- are un-American. Since Pelosi was one of three people who made sure that mandatory E-Verify use for new jobs was pulled out of the Stimulus bill, it doesn't seem like she believes in immigration rules of any kind.

We now see the pattern in which significant numbers of federal officials and national commentators say increasingly outrageous things to numb the public into thinking that their radical ideas are somehow within the spectrum of reasonable alternatives. Unless you respond immediately and with shock and awe force, these radical ideas will soon be accepted as mainstream.

The Hispanic Caucus's planned behavior at the White House is especially repulsive because it is at the expense of t he very people that these Members of Congress claim to represent -- that is, Hispanic-American voters.

Because Hispanic Americans are much more likely to be unemployed than the rest of Americans, any attempt to keep illegal aliens in jobs is an especially egregious slap in the face of Hispanic Americans. Amazingly, the Hispanic Caucus has indicated no plan to talk to Pres. Obama about helping unemployed Hispanic Americans.

Doesn't the Hispanic Caucus know that 13.6% of U.S.-born Hispanic young adults with high school diplomas are officially unemployed? That 40.3% of U.S.-born Hispanic teens who are looking for a job can't find one?

No, the Hispanic leaders appear to be saying that their top goal is for illegal foreign workers from around the world to keep their jobs while Hispanic Americans remain unemployed at an alarming rate.

If the Hispanic Caucus won't stand up for unemployed Hispanic Americans at the White House Wednesday, will you -- with your faxes? And I know that while you are at it, you will put in a plug for all Americans and their families who are suffering from unemployment.

