Are Mexican Soldiers Aiding Drug Smugglers on Border?

Among the many problems on the U.S.-Mexican border is that of reported Mexican military incursions onto the U.S. side of the border. These incidents raise disturbing questions about U.S.-Mexican relations and the two nations’ wars on the drug cartels.

The evidence indicates that elements of the Mexican military are aiding drug smugglers on the border.

Such incursions have been reported for years by U.S. law enforcement offices and by Mexican illegal aliens.

Both governments would prefer not to aknowledge the problem. When pressured, the U.S. downplays it, while Mexican officials deny the incidents, or attribute them to accidental crossings or drug smugglers dressed as Mexican soldiers.

Much of the U.S.- Mexican border is unguarded, trackless desert. So it’s not surprising that from time to time a Mexican army vehicle or patrol might take a wrong turn and wind up north of the border.

Doubtless there have been some accidental crossings. But they wouldn’t account for the bulk of the incidents, especially considering the reported behavior of these soldiers, which is sometimes aggressive.

As for the “smugglers disguised as soldiersâ€