From: National Council of La Raza (

Tell Congress: Stop Playing Politics with Measures that Risk Putting Americans out of Work!

Instead of working toward speedy economic recovery, some members of Congress are playing politics, and hard-hit American workers are going pay the price for their missteps. The House economic recovery bill contains an amendment that would require all entities receiving money from the stimulus package to use the flawed E-Verify system to screen their workers. E-Verify relies on faulty databases to prove work eligibility, which has resulted in well-documented cases of discrimination and employer abuse.

Call Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (head of Democratic leadership) at (202) 225-0100! Tell her to strip the E-Verify provision from the economic recovery package because:
• A provision in the stimulus package for E-Verify irresponsibly undercuts the bill's objective and will be counterproductive for American business, workers, and the economy.
• Real solutions to our economic problems and immigration reform should be approached seriously and separately.
• E-Verify's faulty databases will wrongly deny eligible workers their jobs.

An economic recession is no time for a massive expansion of a flawed program that puts Americans out of work. Time is running out to rid the stimulus bill of harmful amendments, so call today!