If you know an Oregonian, please copy and paste this into an e-mail to them, we need to spread the word.

The following alert is not from NumbersUSA, but we are passing it on to those of you in Oregon who may wish to act.
Dear Oregon citizens:

Oregonians For Immigration Reform (OFIR) is seeking to place the Respect for the Law Act on the November ballot. Recent independent polling shows 76 percent of respondents in favor of the initiative (#112) at this point in time. You are invited to help make The Respect for Law Act a reality.

The deadline for turning in signature sheets is July 1st.

Oregon Initiative 112 has three main components:

1. Requires election officials to obtain satisfactory evidence of U.S. citizenship from any applicant who is registering to vote for the first time in Oregon; and

2. It unties the hands of local police by allowing them to work directly with federal immigration authorities.

3. Requires proof of citizenship or legal status to qualify for an Oregon driver’s license;

Voter Registration

Currently, no one checks to see if a first time voter registrant is a citizen. All an applicant does is just check a box on the form. The Secretary of State just “trustsâ€