I watch border wars and I see them pick up many illegal immigrants and return them to their country of origin. According to the paper work most are returned as voluntary. I find that hard to believe. So because of that we have a revolving door of illegal immigrants coming and going. If it were up to me there would not be any illegal immigrants labeled as voluntary when they are forced to return in handcuffs and by the point of a gun. It is like saying the bank robber gave back the money and went to jail voluntarily. I think for every immigrant who comes into the country should not be able to come into the country legally for 5 years. I would say a jail sentence but there would never be enough room in American jails or Mexican jails. I say five years because when there are consequences five years is usually the amount of time that is given. Every attempts to enter the country another five years would be added to there is a time when they will they will never be able to enter the country legally. I wish there could be a better way to deal with it but nothing comes to mind. What can be done so people who try to enter our country illegally that would make them think twice. The way it is when asked they say they will try again and again. There must be consequences or they will never stop trying. They are considered heroes on some level. A mother wanting to come into the country because her children are here. If her children are not citizens now when they become of age they cannot become citizens unless they return to the country of their origin. That is when they find out it is not the quick fix they were looking for. They have to stay in the country of origin before they can even think of trying to become a citizen. This person who has spent almost their entire life in America. Many of these people do not speak Spanish and find themselves in a country they know nothing about. What kind of parents do that to their children. That does not even speak to the journey they took to reach this country and they children that did not make it. Do Americans really know the consequences of all the illegal immigrants who enter our country? Just ask the ranchers whose land lies between Mexico and the promise land. Ask what the flow of illegal immigration does to their land and their cattle and most of all what is done to the water. In Lawrence of Arabia it was said that people were not important but water was everything. I am not saying that people are not important but without water there cannot be any people.

It is sad that people die in the desert but also important is the desert itself is dying. People think that they desert cannot die but I don't think that is so. With the flow of drugs and illegal migrants the desert has become one huge trash can. Everywhere you look you can find the trash where people have left their refuse. It is time that people count the cost of the flow of illegal immigration. Instead of feeling sorry for the plight of illegal immigration we should do what President Carter tried to do so many years ago. He showed them how to grow their crops so the land would not die. Instead of the billions that is put into the consequences of illegal immigration it would be better to put some of that money into Mexico so there would be more jobs and not as many reasons to leave home. We should help Mexico with the problems they are having with the drug cartels, the violence that eventually will be our problems just as much as it is their problems. The violence that is just beginning to flood across the border. If we could stop the flow of drugs into our country only to be replaced with money and guns going into Mexico. Nobody is safe in Mexico especially not the police whose family can find the head of their loved one in a cooler on the door step of the police station. Something needs to be done. There must be consequences..