The "H-1B Work Visa for College Educated Professionals" is used to bring in foreigners so that American College Educated Professionals can be thrown out of work!

H-1B Work Visa General Information: The H-1B Visa enables professionals in "Specialty Occupations" to make a valuable contribution to the American economy. A maximum of 65,000 H-1B Visas are issued every year. The H-1B Visa is issued for up to three years but may be extended. This provides a maximum stay of six years. The H1-B Visa holder can apply for a Green Card if a company wants to sponsor his or her application.

H-1B Work Visa Eligibility Requirements: The H-1B Non-Immigrant Work Visa may be issued to applicants seeking temporary work in a "Specialty Occupation" which requires the skills of a professional. "Specialty Occupations" include: accounting, computer analysts, programmers, database administrators, web designers, engineers, financial analysts, doctors, nurses, scientists, architects and lawyers. The petitions are submitted by employers based on their need for the non-US.-resident employee. H1-B Visa holders must posses a minimum of a bachelor's degree. However, requisite experience can substitute for education, depending on the individual case. The H-1B Work Visa Application Guide is comprehensive, detailed, and easy to understand. It contains everything one needs in order to successfully apply for a H-1B Visa.

Other Work Visas:

If you do not have the required college education, you can apply for a H-2B Work Visa
Australian citizens are eligible for E-3 Treaty Professional Visas
There are two types of Work Visas available for Registered Nurses
Canadian and Mexican citizens are also eligible for TN Work Visas
The H-1B Work Visa Application Guide includes:
H-1B Work Visa overview
H1B Work Visa eligibility
H1B Work Visa requirements
H1B Work Visa extension/renewal information
H1B Work Visa Cap
How to complete the H1B application forms
Find an H1B job and sponsor
How to obtain H-4 Visas for the spouse and children
List of all USCIS (formerly INS) offices nationwide
List of United States Embassies and Consulates
FREE H-1B Work Visa application forms

* All immigration forms are provided to you free of charge with the purchase of this application guide.