This comes from the Obama campaign. Obama will be speaking to Latinos, most likely about Amnesty. Call in an listen to the Opposition's plan.

Latino Vote Conference Call
September 4, 2008

Please join the call this afternoon for important updates and announcements.

TODAY, Thursday, September 4, 2008
5PM Eastern/ 4PM Central/ 3PM Mountain / 2PM Pacific
Call Number: (712) 432-1001
Attendee Access Code: 494710694#

If we are reaching you on your work email address and you would prefer to receive these updates elsewhere, please reply with your preferred address, and forgive the inconvenience.


Obama for America - Latino Vote Team

Cuauhtémoc "Temo" Figueroa, Director

Stephanie Valencia, Deputy Director

Carlos Odio, Deputy Director

Vince Casillas, Press
Federico de Jesús, Communications