Border Patrol and ICE representatives sound off on lenient immigration policy

by Bob Wilson

(...) two federal agents explicitly describe the problems already occurring in the enforcement of Immigration related laws due to more lenient policies towards enforcement taken by President Obama�s administration.

Chris Crane, an ICE Officer for over nine years, states that management of ICE is directing its employees to not require any corroboration of aliens claiming to have attended school here in the U.S. and employees are ordered to let any that claim this go.

More chilling than this is Crane�s description of the directed release of an illegal alien who had committed several serious crimes, including assault with bodily injury to a family member, due to the claim that the alien had attended school here in the U.S and fit within the Presidents criteria of a �dreamer�.

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Border Patrol and ICE representatives sound off on lenient immigration policy - Spokane Immigration |

Two long serving Border Patrol agents
describe their experiences with Obama's
new immigration policies.

What they describe is far different
from what we are told by the head
of Homeland Security.


Obama Watch: The border: 'more secure than ever'

Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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