Courtesy of the Tan Klan Racist propaganda website known as "La Voz de Aztlan" which is allowed to spread it's Anti-Semitic propaganda and hate speech toward White Americans and its seditious talk against the U.S. government without interference from the FBI or groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Their newsletters are filled with false elaborations against groups such as the Minutemen and basically what amounts to bald face lies against ALL Americans who want illegal immigration stopped and our borders secured.

How and why this particular group can get away with its hate speech propaganda and treasonous publications without any interference or investigations by the SPLC, the FBI and other organizations to stop this kind of behavior is beyond me, but then again, it's that good old "double standard for LATINOS" rearing its venomous little head once again.

La Voz de Aztlan
Website http:/

Former Vice-President of MALDEF appointed to head the
U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division

President Barack Obama has appointed Thomas A. Saenz, age 42, to head the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. Thomas A. Saenz is a former Vice-President of Litigation for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) as well as the former Chief Counsel of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. Thomas A. Saenz and Antonio Villaraigosa are alumni of the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA).

MALDEF has had a number of legal victories against the vile racist border
vigilantes of Arizona. The organization won two civil rights cases against
the notorious "hunter of Mexicans" and rancher Roger Barnett. In the first
case MALDEF won a $100,000 judgement on behalf of a Mexican-American
family that the vigilante Roger Barnett held against their will under threat.
The second was a $78,000 judgement against the vigilante on behalf of
a group of undocumented Mexican migrant workers that Roger Barnett
also held while threatening them with a vicious German shepard dog and
an assault rifle.

Also, MALDEF was instrumental in having three Shenandoah, PA bigots
indicted for the hate murder of Luis Ramirez. Mr. Ramirez was a 24 year
old father of three small children who was beaten to death while the
murderers yelled hateful racial epithets. According to Schuylkill County,
PA District Attorney James P. Goodman, the trial of Brandon J. Piekarsky,
Colin J. Walsh and Derrick M. Donchak will probably start toward the end of
April, or the beginning of May.

With a Black US Attorney General and a Chicano leading the Civil Rights
Division, it is going to be very difficult for vile racists to get away with their hate crimes.