Obama Defines ‘Americans’ As People Who Enter The Country Illegally

By Brian Anderson
October 3, 2014

Last night at an immigration activist dinner in Washington DC Obama took his shameless pandering and tenuous hold on reality to new despicable depths. Speaking before the mostly Latino crowd, the President actually said his best definition of an American is someone who enters this country illegally and leaches off the hard work of others.

Obama got the crowd warmed up by speaking a little Spanish and telling them he rode to the event with two illegal aliens in his limo. Amid the current Secret Service scandal, you have to wonder how illegal aliens get vetted so they can party like a rock star with the President. I wonder if he picked this pair up at the Home Depot.

Actually, as effed up as it sounds, the two illegal aliens are Congressional interns, but I’m still assuming they were picked up looking for day work.

Then, in reference to his DREAM Act, which indefinitely suspends the deportation of illegal immigrants, Obama gave his absurdly skewed view of what it means to be an American:

Because in the end, DREAMer is more than just a title, it’s a pretty good description of what it means to be an American.

Really? That’s what it means to be an American? Someone who comes to this country illegally and takes benefits and services they are not entitled to? Someone who lives in defiance of the law and doesn’t contribute to society? That’s right folks, the President of the United States defines an American as a law-breaking parasite.

It actually gets worse as Obama also redefines what the entire country is about. It’s not democracy or freedom that characterize America, it’s illegal aliens demanding above-the-law status:

The young person who comes out of the shadows to demand the right to dream. That’s what America is about.

So America is all about rewarding lawbreakers, is it? I guess technically under Obama’s reign of terror that is true, but I doubt most Americans (actual Americans) would consider that part of our mission statement.
These rage-inducing redefinitions are part of Obama’s campaign to placate the Latino vote after he angered them by lying about taking action on immigration reform. Not to worry though, Obama promised to legalize as many as 11 million illegal aliens after the November mid-term elections so the vastly unpopular move wouldn’t further hurt the democrats chances at hanging on to control of the Senate.

Remember the good old days when American Presidents actually gave a sh*t about Americans? We now have a sitting POTUS who prioritizes the selfish demands of foreign nationals above the needs and rights of American citizens.

As long as we’re redefining things: when Obama says he is the President of the United States, what he really means is he is the leader of Mexico and Latin America. How else could you define it? He doesn’t take any action to help average working Americans, he doesn’t do anything to help the middleclass, and the only people he seems to represent are citizens from another country.
