Warning Language. This article lists the politicans involved with LaRaza and why. Please read this.


Obama & Hilary climb into LA RAZA'S dirty bed for the illegals' vote

Reply to: see below
Date: 2007-07-28, 11:22AM CDT

OF COURSE THE BORDER BILL WILL GO DOWN TO DEFEAT. It’s just all a game they play.

Bush went to former President of Mexico Fox and made a secret deal. Fox would open the massively mismanaged Mexican oil industry to Bush Big Oil, if Bush would keep the borders open in Mexico’s massive transfer of their poor and criminal class.

This is the same Bush that finally landed at KATRINA, with another no-bid deal worth billions for Haliburton, then cut the shitty minimum wage for Americans and invited the illegals to storm the border to work cheap for Haliburton. With them the illegals brought gang violence and a massive upsurge in anchor baby births at tax payers expense.

The dems, all of whom fought hard for Bush-LaRaza-Big Business amnesty, are just ****ING WITH YOU. They don’t want the wall built. They know loser Bush, whom they’ve guaranteed they will never IMPEACH, will veto the bill. The dems are home safe. They can tell everyone they fought for the wall.

Such bullshit!

Funds for U.S.-Mexico Border Fence in Danger
July 26 , 2007

"The battle began when Mr. Graham, (R., S.C.), and other Republicans tried to resurrect the border security plan and combine it with the GOP policy provisions from last month's immigration debate." A standoff in the Senate on Wednesday seemed to doom $3 billion in widely backed funds aimed at gaining control over the porous U.S.-Mexico border.

It started with an end-run by Republicans to pass some of the most popular elements of President Bush's failed immigration bill, including a plan to increase security along the southern border.

Democrats liked the money but objected to such Republican proposals as allowing law enforcement officers to question people about their immigration status and cracking down on those who overstay their visas.

The move put political pressure on Senate Democrats. They killed Sen. Lindsey Graham's plan on a 52-44 procedural vote, but Majority Leader Harry Reid, (D., Nev.), immediately countered with a pared-down proposal containing only the border security funds. Sen. John Cornyn, (R., Texas), a Bush ally, killed that effort.

Dying with the proposals could be hopes for seizing "operational control" over the U.S.-Mexico border with additional Border Patrol agents, vehicle barriers, border fencing and observation towers.

The battle began when Mr. Graham, (R., S.C.), and other Republicans tried to resurrect the border security plan and combine it with the GOP policy provisions from last month's immigration debate.

Mr. Graham sought to add the Republicans' immigration plan -- over White House opposition -- to a pending bill to fund the budget for the Homeland Security Department.

The underlying bill had already drawn a veto threat for breaking Mr. Bush's budget. White House spokesman Scott Stanzel noted that Wednesday's plan would not have been financed by fines on illegal immigrants as were comparable provisions from the broader bill that died last month; it therefore would have added $3 billion to the deficit.

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BARACK OBAMA, is LA RAZA’S newest whore.
At a recent La Raza invasion-wave the Mex flag convention, besides Hilary Clinton, Obama was righ there trolling for votes. Obama pandered to La Raza's convention in Miami over the weekend, selling himself as one who marched alongside Latinos at last May 1's illegal immigrant amnesty rallies. You know, the one where the waved the flag and ranted that there wasn’t enough welfare.

At the LA RAZA convention, Obama challenged Clinton's flashy mariachi tactics by saying he'd "walked the walk" for amnesty and would revive the sunken immigration bill that went down in flames in the Senate this month. "We will make this a priority and get it done," he said.

Apparently, like most dem whores, Obama doesn’t get it. The American people elect Presidents, not illegals. But also like the dem whores, Obama, can’t do enough for the invaders.

TED KENNEDY: Kennedy simply called in the US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, AND LA RAZA to generate his OPEN BORDERS bill. Kennedy’s bill is so close to Bush’s heart, that Bush has already signaled that he will sign the bill. Last week Kennedy met with Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahoney, characterized as an “outspoken and controversial supporter of illegal aliensâ€