By: Devvy
October 10, 2008

© 2008 - NewsWithViews.com

Americans are back to the familiar four year refrain: "I'm voting for McCain. Obama is worse." "I'm voting for Obama. McCain is worse." Right back to the same hold your nose and vote. Right back to the same hypocrites like Sean Hannity, who has railed against Juan McCain for his tireless efforts to give illegal aliens a free pass. Hannity now pimps for McCain full time. Dr. James Dobson, head of Focus on the Family, who said, "Speaking as a private individual, I would not vote for John McCain under any circumstances," now embraces the McCain ticket because Sarah Palin has come to the rescue sporting her Real Women Hunt Moose canvas bag.

Democrat and Republican voters, even though they flat out rejected Obama and McCain during the primaries are now cheering those two like their last breath depends on it. The Obama supporters have taken candidate worship to a new level acting as if this Marxist is a messiah. Obama and McCain are the nominees because they serve those who have bought and paid for them. Their advisors were advisors to past presidents who led the way in the destruction of this constitutional republic and our sovereignty.

Did not Americans yell back in 2006, "We want change!" and "No more war!" They wanted change so much, out of 535 seats in Congress, about 31 'new' faces were installed. The same old rats like Charlie Rangle, Juan McCain, Nancy Pelosi and others with two or more DECADES were returned to continue taking us down the razor blade of indentured servitude, financial ruin and a police state. All their experience and look where we are --- hanging off a cliff. Obama and McCain are part of the problem, not the solution.

Did people listen to their words during the controlled debates? Obama and McCain never once touched on the real solutions. Obama and McCain have done nothing but repackage failed policies with new buzz words. Character no longer seems to matter for presidential candidates, only how many promises they make to loot the public treasury to give to the mobs.

Neither Obama nor McCain have a clue on how to "fix" the economy. Furthermore, any promises they are making are pipe dreams. A president does not have the authority to spend a nickel from the people's purse.

September 26, 2008 debate. Both candidates gave the worn out "we have to have more regulations and oversight." Both candidates voted for the disastrous and unconstitutional looting of the U.S. Treasury to bail out private corporations. They have proposed one ignorant "solution" after another, all tailored to appeal to desperate voters and, more importantly, the big money boys.

Obama: "Now, we also have to recognize that this is a final verdict on eight years of failed economic policies promoted by George Bush, supported by Senator McCain, a theory that basically says that we can shred regulations and consumer protections and give more and more to the most, and somehow prosperity will trickle down."

Obama deliberately omitted one of the major components of this mortgage meltdown: 'Andrew Cuomo and Fannie and Freddie: How the youngest Housing and Urban Development secretary in history gave birth to the mortgage crisis'. Obama is a hypocrite. An elitist who looks down his nose at caucasians and the common man, and who believes we're all too stupid to understand his snow job.

McCain: "But I want to emphasize one point to all Americans tonight. This isn't the beginning of the end of this crisis. This is the end of the beginning, if we come out with a package that will keep these institutions stable. And we've got a lot of work to do. And we've got to create jobs."

McCain has been in Congress 26 years. Twenty unlawfully seated in the U.S. Senate. In the past two decades, not once has this despicable person gone for the solution: Abolishing the privately owned, unconstitutional Federal Reserve and a return to sound monetary policy. Now, just like the other socialists and Marxists in Congress, he's selling "we have to create jobs." No, Juan, the federal government is not there to create jobs. That is what private industry in a free markets does --- until corrupt individuals like you voted for destructive trade treaties killing our most important job sectors: agriculture, manufacturing and industrial.

McCain voted for NAFTA. He voted to kill more jobs for American truckers by voting yes to allow Mexican trucks onto U.S. soil. He voted another job killing trade agreement: CAFTA. Obama wasn't in the Senate when NAFTA was passed. He got into a spit swapping contest with fellow Marxist Hillary Clinton during the primaries. He neglected to point out, as did Clinton, that the Democrats have allowed these destructive treaties to remain in place since they took "power" in January 2007. These unconstitutional trade agreements are still in effect while Americans go begging for good paying jobs.

McCain, who I believe is mentally unstable, voted to extend social security benefits to illegal aliens. Thieves in the night who sneak across our borders, breaking our laws, stealing American jobs, classroom space, bankrupting hospitals and filling state and federal prisons. McCain voted to include criminals (a person who breaks federal immigration law is a criminal because they have committed a crime) in a federal taxing scheme that can't be saved. Obama voted Voted YES on continuing federal funds for declared "sanctuary cities." The blood of these innocents is on his hands, just like McCain:

"Edwin Ramos, 21, a Salvadoran national charged has been charged in the murders last summer of Anthony Bologna and his two sons as they were returning home from a picnic." This slaughter happened in San Francisco, domain of lunatic mayor, Gavin Newsom, who thumbs his nose and federal immigration laws. These animals are roaming the streets of America courtesy of people like McCain and Obama. A father and two sons gunned down in the street by someone who should have been deported and kept out of this country long ago.

“Thirteen people are killed every day in the US by Illegal Alien drunk drivers.â€