From the NumbersUSA website:

California Rep. John Campbell and Georgia Rep. Jack Kingston were among the 40 original cosponsors when Rep. Nathan Deal introduced the Birthright Citizenship Act of 2009 (H.R.186 last month.

The Birthright Citizenship Act of 2009 would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act. Under the bill, a person born in the United States gains citizenship if one of the person's parents is:
• a citizen or national of the United States;
• an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States whose residence is in the United States; or
• an alien performing active service in the armed forces.

I bring this to your attention because while it seems reasonable on its face, IMHO it is more back door amnesty and yet another tool to facilitate the dissolution of our borders and the erosion of our national sovereignty.

Birthright citizenship should only be granted to those born to American citizens (no one but American citizens should be serving in our armed forces). Otherwise we open ourselves up to horrendous abuse by the foreign hordes that continue to hold allegiance to their nation of origin, and for whom the only reason to have a child while in America is to create a permanent anchor.

I liken this to the current trend among young people who, while not willing to make a commitment to each other through marriage but will have several children together to try the relationship out. Likewise, unless one is willing to make the sacrifice and commitment required to enjoy the privilege of American citizenship, one should have no reasonable expectation that your child should be entitled to it simply because you are “legallyâ€