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  1. #1
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    WND Joseph Farah: Pat Buchanan is right!

    Pat Buchanan is right!

    Posted: October 19, 2011
    5:36 pm Eastern
    © 2011

    I don't always agree with Pat Buchanan, but his new book, "Suicide of a Superpower," is 100 percent spot on.

    It should be the wake-up call Americans need to understand that the nation and civilization they have lived in all their lives is rapidly crumbling and simply won't be there for their children and grandchildren unless measures are taken immediately to reverse the destructive trends.

    Of course, Buchanan is being pilloried in the media for stating the obvious.

    He's being called all the names you would expect him to be called from clueless people and by those who actively seek the end of America as we have known it.

    But Buchanan is not the bigot or racist his detractors contend he is.

    In fact, Buchanan writes as dispassionately as one can about the cultural suicide of a country he truly loves.

    It's a simple case of arithmetic. When he says Americans of European descent are not procreating at levels that reach even population replacement levels, he is not suggesting that whites are the only people capable of self-government. As a descendant primarily of non-European stock, I applaud him for saying it so boldly.

    It really doesn't matter what race you are or what your national identity is. What matters is the cultural adaption immigrants make once they arrive. In America in the 21st century, we make it far too easy for immigrants not to assimilate, taking on the values and language of what has been a common and uniquely American culture for most of our history.

    He also rightly points out that the America of tomorrow, demographically speaking, will closely resemble today's California. Having lived in California for 25 years before fleeing, I can tell you that is a very scary thought.

    California is a basket case. There the population has figured out that they can vote themselves benefits and sustenance and all kinds of goodies without any personal consequences – because only a tiny minority of Californians, as well as other Americans, are responsible for picking up the costs.

    Can you imagine what America will be like when its demographics more closely resemble today's California?

    The Republican Party may be looking forward to the 2012 election because Americans are rightly waking up to the misery inflicted by Barack Obama and his Democratic Party allies over the last three years. But, as Buchanan points out, there likely won't be even the tepid alternative Republicanism represents today in a country with vastly different demographics.

    Look at California. Do you think the Republican Party is even a factor in its politics today?

    So what are the answers?

    What if we all woke up tomorrow to the plight we're in and decided we had to save the nation from falling?

    What steps would we have to take to survive?

    • Abortion: After activists on the U.S. Supreme Court forced virtually unrestricted abortion on demand upon Americans in 1973, it was sold as "freedom." No longer would adults have to concern themselves with child-rearing responsibilities. They could have it all – live selfishly and without the cares of parenting. We'd all get to do our own thing. But, besides the human toll in tens of millions of innocent lives snuffed out, and besides the emotional toll abortion inflicts on women, now there is a new concern – the very survival of the nation and all it represents in the world. It turns out abortion didn't bring freedom at all. It brought death not only to unborn babies, but it has brought the nation's heritage of liberty to the brink of death, too.

    • Immigration: The U.S. is the only nation in the world that effectively has an open-borders policy. We don't call it that, of course, but that's what it is. And it needs to come to an end, just as many European nations have learned too late. America can't afford not to be more selective about who it lets in the door. And it needs to be much less selective about who it throws out. It's not about racism. It's not about bigotry. It's about the future of America.

    • Assimilation and education: Those who America chooses to let in the door need to immerse themselves in the English language and American culture as quickly as they can or be prepared for a short visit. And America needs to get its school system out of the hands of the National Education Association union thugs who have far too much power in local, state and national education policy, and back into the hands of parents.
    All of this is much easier said than done – which is why Pat Buchanan is so eerily pessimistic these days.
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  2. #2
    It really doesn't matter what race you are or what your national identity is. What matters is the cultural adaption immigrants make once they arrive. In America in the 21st century, we make it far too easy for immigrants not to assimilate, taking on the values and language of what has been a common and uniquely American culture for most of our history.
    This is so true

  3. #3
    Senior Member oldguy's Avatar
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    I believe Buchanan is correct, I certainly believe America will fragment in coming years much like the soviet union simply we have no common bond as we once did, public schools teaching anti-America propaganda, lowering of standards, morals, and uncontrolled immigration it cannot work without an internal war or a break off of various states certainly
    I hope I'm wrong but our leaders have failed the country greed and power hungry folks sold us out to China and other third world countries.
    I'm old with many opinions few solutions.

  4. #4
    Senior Member BearFlagRepublic's Avatar
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    Yes, Buchanan's writings can be a bit grim. But I am thrilled that he FINALLY wrote another book Its been about 3 years since he wrote one, and he used to write one every year. I used to check his website all the time to see if he were writing another book, but to no avail. Thank you for the heads up.

    I remember an interview with him on C-Span where he said his next focus would be tribalism in the world. It will be interesting to see if he incorporates that into this book. From the looks of it, it seems that this book will resemble State of Emergency and Death of the West. Both EXCELLENT books.

    When I read this new book I will post a detailed review here.
    Serve Bush with his letter of resignation.

    See you at the signing!!

  5. #5
    Senior Member stevetheroofer's Avatar
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    somewhere near Mexico I reckon!
    Quote Originally Posted by BearFlagRepublic
    Yes, Buchanan's writings can be a bit grim.
    A bit grim, I'd have to say that's an understatement, when he's gonna write a book sayin' we're still Americans and there's still enough of us left to take our shit back from the prostitutes and pimps? Sorry! I'm just getting sick of people saying we Americans are expendable!
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  6. #6
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    Is America Disenigrating?

    Pat Buchanan
    Oct 21, 2011 12 hours ago

    In Federalist 2, John Jay looks out at a nation of a common blood, faith, language, history, customs and culture.

    "Providence," he writes, "has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people -- a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion ... very similar in their manners and customs ..."

    Are we still that "one united people" today? Or has America become what Klemens von Metternich called Italy: "a mere geographical expression"?

    In "Suicide of a Superpower," out this week, I argue that the America we grew up in is disintegrating, breaking apart along the fault lines of politics, race, ethnicity, culture and faith; that the centrifugal forces in society have now become the dominant forces.

    Our politics are as poisonous as they have been in our lifetimes.

    Sarah Palin was maligned as morally complicit in the murder attempt on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Terms like "terrorists" and "hostage-takers" are routinely used on Tea Party members who one congressman said want to see blacks "hanging on a tree."

    Half a century after the civil rights revolution triumphed, the terms "racist" and "racism" are in daily use. We remain, said Eric Holder in calling us a "nation of cowards," as socially segregated as ever.

    "Outside the workplace, the situation is even more bleak in that there is almost no significant interaction between us. On Saturdays and Sundays, America ... does not, in some ways, differ significantly from the country that existed some 50 years ago."

    He is not altogether wrong in that. In California's prisons and among her proliferating ethnic gangs, a black-brown civil war has broken out.

    Yet, by 2042, there will be 66 million black folks and 135 million Hispanics here, the latter concentrated in the states bordering Mexico.

    What holds us together, then?

    We are not now and will not then be "descended from common ancestors." We will consist of all the races, cultures, tribes and creeds of Earth -- a multiracial, multicultural, multiethnic, multilingual stew of a nation that has never before existed, or survived. The parallels that come to mind are the Habsburg Empire that flew apart after World War I, and the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia that disintegrated after the Cold War.

    No more will we all speak the same language. We will be bilingual and bi-national. Spanish radio and TV stations are already the fastest growing. In Los Angeles, half the people speak a language other than English in their own homes.

    As for "professing the same religion," where 85 percent of Americans were Christians in 1990, that is down to 75 percent and plummeting. The old Christian churches -- Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran and especially Episcopalian -- are splitting, shrinking and dying.

    Where three in four Catholics attended Sunday Mass in 1960, it is now one in four. One in three cradle Catholics has lost the faith. The numbers of priests and nuns are plummeting; religious orders are dying; Catholics schools are closing.

    The moral consensus and moral code Christianity gave to us has collapsed. Since the great cultural-social revolution of the 1960s, there has occurred what Nietzsche called the "transvaluation of all values."

    What was morally repellent -- promiscuity, homosexuality, abortion -- is now seen by perhaps half the nation as natural, normal, healthy and progressive.

    Socially, too, America is breaking down.

    Where out-of-wedlock births in the 1950s were rare, today, 41 percent of all American children are born out of wedlock. Among Hispanics, it is 51 percent; among blacks, 71 percent. And the correlation between the illegitimacy rate, the drug rate, the dropout rate, the crime rate and the incarceration rate is absolute.

    This helps to explain the four decades of plunging test scores of American children and the quadrupling of the prison population.

    And while all this is happening, the state is failing.

    We cannot control our borders, win our wars or balance our budgets. In three consecutive national elections -- 2006, 2008 and 2010 -- the incumbents have been repudiated. Confidence in politics, politicians and the future of the country has never been so low in our lifetimes.

    There was a time not so long ago when the nation was united on a common faith, morality, history, heroes, holidays, holy days, language and literature. Now we fight over them all.

    Neocons says not to worry, the Constitution holds us together.

    Does it? Do we all agree on what the First Amendment says about the freedom to pray in school and celebrate Christmas and Easter? How can we be the "one nation, under God" of the Pledge of Allegiance, or the people "endowed by their Creator" with inalienable rights, if we cannot even identify or discuss or mention that God and that Creator in the schools of America?

    Do we agree on what the Ninth Amendment says about right to life? What about what the 14th Amendment says about affirmative action? What the Second Amendment says about the right to carry a concealed gun?

    The new secession that is coming, Rick Perry notwithstanding, is not like the secession of 1861. It is a secession of the heart from one another. ... page/full/
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