Counting illegals

Concord Monitor (New Hampshire)
November 2, 2009
By Samuel A Hill

Incredibly, there have already been multiple scandals concerning the 2010 Census.

The most egregious is dealing with 20 million or more Mexican illegals, violating criminal law by living in America completely without authorization.

If illegal aliens are to be counted, they should be identified as illegal aliens and immediately deported.

If they are not counted but identified as illegal aliens, they should be immediately deported, as well.

This activity would be a reasonable and excellent opportunity for the federal government to reclaim its dignity, honor, respect and mandated lawful duties, by enforcing laws already on the books.

This government is shamefully derelict in its constitutional duties in failing to enforce immigration laws to the letter.

Americans do not need new laws. America needs a Congress and a president who will enforce the old ones.

SAMUEL A. HILL ... 95&start=1