I cant stand that fact that this goes on in the country and I am asking for the same kind of help AND letters we send all over the country to put a stop to this stuff in the Great state of Ohio HARBORING ALIENS THAT ARE HERE ILEAGLE its new news to me and if Columbus and this city below are allowing this stuff to go on when our Governor wont stand for it we need to wake some people up .

http://www.clevescene.com/2007-07-18/ne ... americans/

The gathering on Painesville's village green looks like a cross between a Fourth of July parade and a Ku Klux Klan rally. Faces are angry and untrusting.

Lorain County, Painesville, urban renewal, urban decay, Mexicans, illegal aliens One man, decked in head-to-toe camouflage, holds a flagpole like a rifle. Women sparkle in tinsel stars-and-stripes necklaces. A man spits furiously into a microphone in front of the white gazebo.

About 150 people have convened in this historic downtown, not to celebrate their country's independence, but to fight for it. "We have been invaded!" a man in a straw hat shouts into the PA. "We need to clean house -- get rid of every last one of 'em!" Cheers erupt from the crowd.

The man's talking about illegal aliens -- Mexicans, to be exact. You wouldn't know it from the quaint bed-and-breakfasts, the country manners of the townsfolk, or all the red, white, and blue bunting hanging from storefronts, but Painesville is one of the nation's top repositories for human smuggling. Until a ring was busted in May, thousands of Mexicans paid $2,000 each to be led through drainage ditches, packed edited -to-elbow into vans, and shipped like packages to Ohio.

The lure is the nearby tree farms, which are the size of cotton plantations and provide work both plentiful and well-paying. Women arrive to give birth, making their babies U.S. citizens -- a green card that can never be taken away.

But there's another reason they come: Painesville has rolled out the welcome mat. Spanish signs have gone up at gas stations and grocery stores. The library houses a section of Spanish books on everything from baby care to home improvement to getting your GED. Schools send out bilingual mailers. St. Mary Catholic Church offers Mass in Spanish. And the cops go after illegals with as much vigor as they do guys cruising down I-90 at five over the speed limit.

Yet the welcome mat was shredded two months ago, when men dressed in black from the federal government swept through town with paddy wagons and handcuffs, rounding up illegals. Part of a national sweep code-named Return to Sender, the operation was conspicuously timed just before Washington opened debate on an immigration bill, one that would grant legality to 12 million undocumented aliens. Dozens of Painesville's Mexicans were arrested on the spot, their wives and children handed notices to appear for deportation.

Those on the village green, however, aren't about to be pacified, if that's what the raid was designed to accomplish. Many are men with the calloused hands of factory workers. One in a U.S. Navy hat tells the story of a friend who was laid off after his factory decided to hire Mexicans. The man in camouflage fought in Iraq.

"If they want to live in this hole so bad, they can fight for this country!" he tells the cheering crowd when it's his turn at the microphone.

While congressmen and lobbyists try to reach a compromise (an attempt that eventually fails), these people are gathered in downtown Painesville to say there will be no compromise. Illegal means illegal. It's time to finish the job started with the raids, a man shouts into the microphone. "Let's take back Lake County! Let's take back the city!"

But there's one piece of logic that seems to be missing: If the Mexicans go, there won't be much of a city to take back.



P.O. BOX 601

City Council

Abby DelaMotte
At-Large Council Member
616 Mentor Avenue
H= 354-8211
William J. Horvath
President of Council
Ward II Council Member
187 Grenney Lane
H= 354-4770

Arlene L. Becks
At-Large Council Member
321 West Eagle St.
H= 358-9955
Joseph Hada Jr.
At-Large Council Member
550 Trailwood Drive
H= 352-1461

Andrew Flock
Ward I Council Member
871 Hine Avenue
H= 354-6041

Robert Fountain
VP of Council
Ward III Council Member
484 Southington Blvd.
H= 639-1518

Paul W. Hach, II
Ward IV Council Member
1034 W. Jackson Street
H = 350-0157

Gary Smith
Chief of Police
(440) 392-5840

Frank G. Jackson, Mayor
City of Cleveland
Mayor's Action Center at 216-664-2900.
