Chad Groening ( Monday, January 06, 2014

A conservative activist calls it a travesty that California has granted a law license to an illegal immigrant.

The California Supreme Court has granted a law license to Sergio Garcia, an illegal alien and law school graduate who has lived in U.S. 20 years.

Robert Knight, executive director at the American Civil Rights Union, says it's "not beyond the realm of absurd" for a "known lawbreaker" to graduate from law school in a "lawless state," California.

"And probably enter the law profession because the law is whatever they say it is these days," Knight, a Washington Times columnist, tells OneNewsNow.

Garcia had challenged a 1996 federal law that bars people living in the country illegally from receiving professional licenses from government agencies, or with the use of public funds, unless state lawmakers vote otherwise.

Shortly after the court heard arguments in the case, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a state law that authorized the granting of the license. The new law went into effect Jan. 1.

If illegals are allowed to practice law, it won't be long before they're given the right to vote, Knight predicts.

Knight, Robert (ACRU)"The very next step would be to say, Why don't you let these people register? It's a slippery slope," Knight argues, adding that liberals prefer a "one-world concept" over the idea of citizenship.

"The idea that we're all to be equal through government redistribution," he explains. "And a big part of their agenda is illegal immigration."

Knight says America has enjoyed stability over the years because of the rule of law. But as the law erodes, he says, there will be less stability, less prosperity and less reason to come here.