A Party of Wimps
Posted by Bobby Eberle
April 23, 2007 at 6:48 am

In my last column, I wrote about the comments of Democrat Harry Reid. From his “leadership” position, Reid played politics with the troops and declared that the war in Iraq was lost. As the feedback came in throughout the day, I noticed a very interesting trend — one in which I hope Republican leaders will take note. As frustrated and angry people were with Harry Reid’s comments, there were a startling number of readers who are equally frustrated and angry with Republicans.

As noted in Reid Declares Defeat in Iraq, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said in a Capitol Hill press conference, “This war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything.”

The comments poured in throughout the day such as one from a woman in Orlando, Florida who wrote:

When are responsible Americans going to demand impeachment of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Jack Murtha and others of their ilk? They are worse than appeasers; they are traitors!

And this one from a man in Bulger, PA who wrote:

I have two sons serving in the Army, both 19Delta. My oldest has been to Iraq twice and they are both headed back sometime in the near future. Although I don’t totally agree with Pres. Bush statements like what Reid made are completely out of line! May God protect our troops! They need the funding so they can keep their equipment running, this pork barrel nonsense is way out of line and those elected officials should hand their heads in shame!!

But as much as people voiced displeasure with Reid’s comments, they also took the opportunity to blast the Republicans for lack of backbone. Time and time again when the Democrats have been pushing the envelope of dirty tricks, inflammatory rhetoric, or procedural delays, the Republican leadership has backed down, rather than take the fight to the Democrats. Grassroots conservatives have had enough.

From Nancy Pelosi’s ventures into dictating foreign policy with her meetings in Syria to Reid’s comments which strike at the heart of troop morale, grassroots conservatives keep waiting for a strong reply from Republican leaders… waiting, waiting, and waiting. When Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was first attacked for the firing of eight U.S. attorneys, the grassroots wanted an immediate reply… something to the effect of “stick it in your ear… these are presidential appointees who can be removed at any time without cause.” Instead, we heard spin and double talk and back-peddling from Gonzales and the White House, and those actions have only lead to even more hard times and investigations.

With Reid, Republicans had a golden opportunity to strike hard at the liberal left. If Reid truly believes his own words, then he will be hypocrite if he ever votes for funds for the troops. Let’s hold his feet to the fire… let the American people know what the liberal left is doing and how it’s hurting the country. We can’t play nice with these people. They go for the throat, and they don’t let go. Unless we fight back, we will not only lose elections, we will lose this country in the process.

The American dream is too precious to be thrown away because certain leaders lack the backbone to fight. Wimps need not apply. The grassroots base is ready for battle. But when the line is drawn in the sand, we need leaders who will step forward, not back… leaders who will take the fight to the Democrats and not run and hide. There are many such leaders out there. Right?