Tennessee Senator Sellout Lamar Alexander has a new website with a video introduction and he is seeking RE-ELECTION. It is your opportunity to fill his email box with written opposition to him on the matter of illegal immigration. You may also want to call the listed phone number.

Let this Senator Sellout hear from us all.

http://www.lamaralexander.com/index.cfm ... actUs.Home


His vote for cloture equaled "AMNESTY" to thinking, taxpaying, American voters.

The Senate bill will further destroy Tennessee and America and balkanize our country as demonstrated in areas of Nashville, Clarksville, Cookeville, Cleveland where English is the foreign language.

How foolish to seek our future votes when he is representing those who would do us harm and expect us to pay for their being here.

While Americans are working hard to have a better future and in some cases just survive, he would actually have the gall to ask us to pay for illegal aliens, their healthcare, their education and other FREEBIES.

Write this boldly, Senator, just ENFORCE THE LAW and build the fence.

Add anything else of value to get this Senator Sellout to face reality.

Psalm 91