Every day we hear something else that this new administration, and this new Congress want to give to people who shouldn't even be in our country in the first place. And they want to do it right away, before they even think about representing the very people who elected them into office. They want to give illegal aliens amnesty, health insurance or free health care altogether, social security benefits, and our jobs by importing more cheap labor. And they want us to pay for this against our will. However, this new government refuses to give American citizens what they ask for, like border security, immigration enforcement across this country to protect our children, our schools, our jobs, and our futures. They won't even protect us against the rapidly spreading violence and terrorism across this nation caused by illegal alien gangs and drug cartel members. I don't know about you, but I'm highly insulted by this and I think it warrants a roar of our voices like they have never heard before.

SOSADFORUS is updating our contact list for our House and Senate members. As soon as it gets posted out here on the boards, we need to blast them before they can pass any of this stuff. And let's not forget Obama. He's the one leading this train to hell. I'm going to take this time to compose my letters, and make notes on what I'm going to say in my phone calls. How about you?