A dream for illegals, not taxpayers

June 15, 2011

Mona Kilborn, Marshalltown , Times-Republican

A recent letter to the editor (Stand for all students, pass the DREAM Act) presents one side of the issue. You might want to ask some questions. What will that cost the Iowa taxpayers? Do you want your taxes to go up even more? Remember there is no such thing as a free lunch. Someone must pay the cost for each and every illegal alien who wants to attend college at your expense. Do you want to reward illegal activities (the student or their family broke the law to come to the U.S.)? Are you willing to pass this Act that will obviously promote more illegal immigration?

In El Paso, Texas on March 10 President Obama said, "And what is also true is that the presence of so many illegal immigrants makes a mockery of all those who are trying to immigrate legally." Or consider a statement by Lamar Smith (R-TX) "The DREAM Act perpetrates the problem it claims to solve and penalizes the citizens and legal immigrants. Once they become citizens, illegal immigrants could petition for their parents to be legalized. The parents could then bring in others in an endless chain." Have you considered that the DREAM Act is just another hidden way to promote amnesty? If the U.S. rewards bad behavior, we will get more bad behavior in the form of more illegal immigration.

The DREAM Act may appeal to some because it sounds kind. Anyone can choose to be kind with their own money. Politicians can choose to give their own money to anyone they want, but please keep your hands out of my billfold (in the form of more taxes). Why should the progeny of illegals get access to my money? Feel free to donate to any cause you want to support, but don't force the Iowa taxpayers to donate to someone in the U.S. illegally.

Last year I was interviewed by a reporter from another country concerning illegal immigration. I asked him what would happen if I wanted to visit his country without proper paperwork (illegally). He assured me I'd be arrested and deported. A country has a right to enforce laws. A country without borders will not remain sovereign.

When you hear the words DREAM Act, beware. It may be a dream for illegal aliens, but not for Iowa taxpayers! We need lower taxes, not higher
