As the United States is being invaded by the poor peasant class of a 3rd world country, our government is turning a blind eye. Why? Because they have an agenda to meet which the iillegals serve: (1) The republicans want the cheap labor; and (2) The democrats want the votes. So, we the American people have been sold down the river because of these agendas.

In the meantime, our social security numbers are being stolen, our neighborhoods are being trashed, and our taxpayer dollars are being wasted on the needs of these poor invaders.

And to add insult to injury, Spanish is becoming a second, but equal language in the U.S.

The voices on this board resound in indignation and hope for a better outcome. Sadly, I also sense sadness and pain at the loss of our beautiful country as we know it.

Thank you ALL so much for loving the U.S. and for fighting for it in the best way you can. There are days when I just want to curl up in a ball and make it all go away, but then I come to this site and instantly feel better just knowing that there are others who feel as I do.

Tomorrow is the 4th of July...traditionally a holiday where we celebrate our independence from the King of England. But I know many of us wilil be thinking about a new independence -- from Mexico.

I'll be thinking of all of you tomorrow. Have a Happy 4th.